Unpaid Overtime Battle Against Norplas Industries

In the bustling world of automotive component manufacturing, hardworking employees often put in long hours to meet the high demands of the industry. Yet, sometimes, these tireless efforts go unrecognized—especially when it comes to fair compensation. This is the subject of a recent lawsuit filed in the United States District Court's Northern District of Ohio, where a group of employees is stepping forward to seek justice.

Angelica Balderas Challenges Norplas Industries

Angelica Balderas, an hourly, non-exempt manufacturing/production employee, has emerged as the Named Plaintiff in a significant case titled “Balderas v. Norplas Industries, Inc.” (Case: 3:24-cv-00263-JZ). Representing herself and other similarly situated workers, she has initiated a Collective and Class Action Complaint against Norplas Industries, a company known for manufacturing automotive parts.

FLSA and OPPA at the Center of the Dispute

The case anchors itself in the protective measures of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the Ohio Prompt Pay Act (OPPA)—two critical laws designed to ensure employees receive due wages for their labor. Balderas, along with her fellow claimants, claims these are the very laws Norplas Industries sidestepped.

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The collective group led by Balderas alleges a concerning pattern of mismanagement by their employer. They claim that Norplas Industries classified them as hourly and non-exempt, yet failed to compensate for overtime work as mandated by law. The ripple effect of such practices strikes deep, potentially affecting the day-to-day lives of employees struggling to pay bills and provide for their families.

Company-wide Concerns About Compensation

Through this legal filing, the allegations against Norplas Industries paint a picture of a widespread corporate failure to adhere to labor laws. This has led to unauthorized unpaid overtime wages along with a series of other employment violations—a matter that hits home for Balderas and her co-claimants.

A Deeper Look into Norplas Industries

It's important to note that Norplas Industries is not operating in isolation. The company is tied to Magna International, Inc., a larger player in the automotive parts industry. The implications of such a lawsuit could, therefore, extend beyond the immediate case, spotlighting broader corporate accountability.

The heart of this lawsuit is not only about the money that Angelica Balderas and her fellow workers are owed. It's also a powerful message against the violation of employment protections provided by the FLSA and OPPA. The effects of such malpractices resonate far beyond individual cases and have the potential to influence how companies nationwide approach wage laws.

This lawsuit is brought forward as both a Collective and a Class Action, providing a strong united front. By recounting the details of unpaid overtime and other compensation issues, the group courageously brings to light the struggles they face. Moreover, they demand recompense for the overlooked wages and a declaration of wrongdoings by Norplas Industries.

Have You Been Affected? Take Action!

If these stories echo your own experiences with Norplas Industries, or if you know someone who has faced similar issues, it is essential to recognize that there is a path to justice. The case of Balderas v. Norplas Industries Inc. encapsulates the challenges workers face when companies disregard labor laws.

Submitting a claim or joining a collective effort can empower you and others to receive the compensation rightfully earned. By uniting with Angelica Balderas and her group, you too can stand against the unlawful practices that may have affected countless employees.

It is crucial to hold businesses like Norplas Industries accountable for improper pay practices. If you believe that you've been denied overtime wages or have suffered due to violating labor laws, now is the time to take action. Companies need to recognize the value of their employees' labor and compensate them as the law requires.

We're Here to Support You

As you contemplate the steps to protect your rights, remember that filing a claim is a major step towards ensuring fair treatment for all workers. We encourage anyone affected by practices similar to those alleged in this case to reach out for support.

Together, we can strive for a work environment that honors the dedication and hard work of every employee. Angelica Balderas's fight for justice is not just her own—it symbolizes a larger movement for fair treatment in workplaces across the country.

If you're ready to step forward and claim what you're owed, contact us. We can guide you through the process of filing a claim, joining a class action, or just learning more about your rights as an employee. Let's ensure no company can withhold the wages you've worked so hard to earn.

We wrote this report based on the actual case file 👇

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