Employees Not Paid for All Their Work Hours

Workers at Q3 Contracting didn't get paid for all the time they spent on their jobs because of the company's strict rules. This is not fair because when you work, you should be paid for all your time, not just some of it.

A worker named Richard Rael and others like him weren't paid properly by Q3 Contracting. They worked extra hours but didn't see those hours on their paychecks. This is a big problem because everyone needs their earned money to pay bills and buy what they need.

What Q3 Contracting's Policies Did to Workers

Q3 Contracting had a "ticket to ticket" rule. This meant workers had to clock in when they started a task and clock out when they finished. Sadly, they didn't get paid for the time between tasks, which could be long.

Also, Q3 gave meal breaks without pay, which is normal. But there was a problem. Workers couldn't really take a full break. They had to keep doing some work or stay ready during lunch. It was like they worked for free during break time. This wasn't fair and made people question how the company treated its employees.

Why This Policy Is a Problem

When a company doesn't pay employees for all the hours they work, it's not just wrong—it's illegal. In the US, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) has rules about how to pay workers. This includes minimum wage, overtime, and keeping records. So when Q3 Contracting didn't follow these rules, they broke federal law. This shows they were not responsible or honest.

Q3 Contracting ignored their employees' needs by not paying them for every hour worked. Companies should know that their workers are very important. They keep the business going. If you treat them badly, you could face legal trouble and harm your reputation. This problem at Q3 Contracting seems like a big issue with how they treat and pay their workers.

It's important to fix these wrongs. The workers who lost out need to get paid for their time and hard work. This also helps make sure all workers are treated fairly under the law. It reminds us that we must keep an eye on labor laws. And it tells workers to know their rights and speak up if someone breaks them.

How to Protect Yourself from Unpaid Work

Always check your pay stubs to make sure you're getting paid for all the time you work. If the numbers don't add up, it's worth asking questions. Keep track of your hours, so you have proof if something doesn't seem right.

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Check Your Pay Stubs Often

Make sure you get paid for all your hard work by checking your pay stubs often. Sometimes, there might be mistakes in how much you get paid. It's important to keep an eye out for this.

If your pay stubs don't look right or you think you haven't been paid for all your hours, you should ask about it.

Keep Track of Your Hours

Writing down your work hours can really help. This way, you can spot any mistakes on your paycheck fast. Plus, if there's a problem, you have proof of the hours you worked.

Compare Your Records

Always check that your work hours match what you're paid. You deserve to be paid for your time. If something doesn't seem right with your money, talk to the people who handle your pay or your boss right away. Fixing these issues quickly is good for you and your job.

Have you or anyone you know been affected unpaid work?

Remember, if a company didn't pay you properly, it's not okay. You need to stand up for your rights and get what you deserve.

If you worked for Q3 Contracting and faced the same issues, or if it happened to you at a different company, speak up.Reach out to us and tell us your story. Your information could help fix the problem and get you and others the money you earned.

We wrote this report based on the actual case file 👇

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