Citibank’s Tangle with Consumer Harm: Unfair Fees, Discrimination, and Unsafe Practices

For many consumers, trust in their financial institution is paramount. But what happens when that trust is undermined by a series of allegations and legal actions against a major bank? These are the concerning tales surrounding Citibank National Association, the consumer financial services arm of Citigroup, one of the largest banks in the United States.

The Burden of Unfair Fees

At the heart of the latest controversy is Citibank’s policy of charging "Deposited Check Returned Unpaid" fees. Imagine you receive a check, deposit it into your bank account, only to find out later that the check bounces – not because of anything you did, but rather due to insufficient funds or a closed account on the part of the check writer. Citibank customers are discovering to their dismay that they are penalized for these bounced checks with a fee, even though the fault lies with the issuer of the check.

The allegations claim that this fee cannot be anticipated or avoided by customers, which arguably violates consumer protection laws. When you deposit a check, you generally do so with the expectation that the funds are valid. When that check is returned unpaid through no fault of your own, being hit with a fee can feel not only unfair but can also cause financial strain, particularly if you were relying on those funds.

The Sting of Discrimination

The issues with Citibank don’t end there. Extraordinary is the case that came to light involving Citibank's approach to Armenian-American applicants. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) unearthed a deeply troubling practice — that from January 1, 2015, to December 31, 2021, Citibank engaged in intentional discrimination against applicants with Armenian-sounding surnames ending in "-ian" or "-yan".

The bank’s supervisors taught employees to use these ethnic markers to deny credit card applications. Astonishingly, when customers were denied, they were given false reasons for the denial. This violation of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act earned Citibank a directive to pay $25.9 million, providing redress for the consumers who were unfairly treated based on their national origin.

Regulatory Rebuke for Unsafe Practices

Citibank’s woes didn’t stop with unfair fees and discrimination. The bank agreed to a $400 million penalty over unsafe banking practices and ineptitude in preventing money laundering. This drastic penalty came after multiple warnings over several years, highlighting the bank’s failures to rectify known problems with its risk management procedures.

These regulatory missteps not only concern the immediate financial penalties but also paint a picture of a bank that has repeatedly struggled with maintaining lawful and safe banking practices. Violations of important laws, such as the Fair Housing Act and the Flood Disaster Protection Act, have been cited, further eroding public confidence.

Marketing Missteps and Electronic Fraud Mishaps

A blast from the not-too-distant past comes in the form of a 2015 penalty when Citibank and its affiliate were fined $35 million for unfair billing practices and deceptive marketing—a settlement that also involved restitution to affected customers.

Fast forward to 2024, and New York’s Attorney General Letitia James sued Citibank for failing to properly protect and reimburse victims of electronic fraud. The lawsuit claims the bank did not strengthen online protections to prevent unauthorized account takeovers and that it misled account holders about their rights once their accounts had been compromised. This negligence led to New York consumers losing millions of dollars, an outcome that has delivered yet another blow to the bank’s reputation.

The Public’s Response and Looking Ahead

Unsurprisingly, these issues have ignited public outrage and disappointment, with consumers and advocates taking to social media and online forums to voice their concerns. Reports of Citibank’s conduct have stirred critical discussions about the responsibilities of financial institutions towards the people who place their trust—and their money—within their hands.

If you believe you’ve experienced financial harm due to Citibank’s practices, such as the unfair "Deposited Check Returned Unpaid" fees, or if you have faced any form of discrimination or inadequate fraud protection, you might be eligible for a claim against the company. Seeking redress not only serves to potentially rectify the harm you’ve suffered but also helps to hold institutions accountable for their actions.

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In a world where banking practices can directly impact one’s financial stability, awareness and advocacy are key. The ongoing stories of Citibank’s interactions with consumer harm serve as a stark reminder that transparency, fairness, and robust protections are non-negotiable aspects of consumer financial services. As consumers, vigilance is our watchword, and action the tool with which we can help prevent future harm.

We wrote this report based on the actual case file 👇

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